Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Notes On Downton Abbey

Opening Credits

·        Shows servant’s bell, handwritten letters, a grand dying table laid out to show era.

·        Has opening credits of actors/writers/directors names

·        Classical music again to show era, and that is a period drama

·        Camera pans/zooms different ways on each shot

·        Slight movement of props à bell ringing, petal falling off flower, maids going up stairs, hands measuring plates cutlery when setting table.

·        Title shown on silhouette line showing grand country home and name of programme in extreme long shot, with writers name below


Music/ Sound

·        very classical to show era

·        dark creepy music to build tension and add haunted atmosphere in very first scene when laying bed and clearing fire in bedroom. ‘I hate this room’ (high pitched violins), ‘what’s the matter’ (deep dark bass)

·        Clattering of poker as its dropped, clearing fireplace (Diegetic sound à source visible on scene and is part of it)

·        Keys jingling Diegetic sound

·        Singing birds outside in their land

·        Violins come in at heartfelt moment

·        Music builds of dark sadness when they know they shouldn’t be talking about something

·        Quick plucking of violins when you see someone running urgently.


Character (casting, character)

·        Maids young and old

·        Masters

·        High status shown in upper class characters

·        Clothes shown class

·        Colours of clothes, bold dark clothing for upper class and plain white/grey on maids

·        accent shows class by how they speak to one another à sir, mame, if I may, ladyship, lordship

·        hierarchy between servants à tell me why your sat on lady Seville’s bed’



·        mise-en-scene (everything in shot)

·        pots and pans in background, jars of food, wooden chairs, clean bedding, gold frames with paintings, gas lamps, fresh flowers, type writer

·        large stately home

·        rooms of the house

·        small country cottage

Camera Shots

·        camera pans left/right and slow zoom on very close up and close shots in opening credits

·        establishing shots used at every change of location

·        establishing shot/ long shot pans upwards to establish setting and the size of the building and add the idea of upward status

·        2nd establishing shot shows large furniture and painting as the upper class are eating

·        Very close up shot of letters in maids hand

·        Slowly pans in on conversations from a medium shot

·        Follows rule of 3rds

·        Over shoulder shot to involve you in the conversation

·        Close up of significant moments hanging up keys on wall, bottle of drink snook by side, clock showing time

·        Close up shots of conversation in pantry

·        Establishing shot of town hall showing change in location as well as a long shot showing everybody working hard setting up

·        Long shot slowly pans to the left whilst zooming when man on bike talks to woman delivering telegram

·        Camera all ways focusing on the person who’s talking, even when others are it shot they may be slightly blurred in foreground, background

·        Shows movement of horses feet as it tracks and follows the horse. highlighting how they travelled



Downton Abbey: Opening Credits

Have a look at the opening credits for Downton Abbey and comment below on your thoughts of the camera shots used.


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Mrs Weston's Media Hub and my BLOGS

Heres is Mrs Westons (my teacher) Blog where you see links to other AS Media Student Blogs.

Also if you want to follow me: is this blog on Television Dramas

and my other one  is on Magazine Production and is my practical work.