Sherlock is a modern twist on the classic stories following the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson. These two characters are brilliantly portrayed by actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. It is based in London and each episode can be watched as an individual story but within the series there is ever growing plot with twist and turns. Making you build a love for the characters. In the excitement of the chase as you see them crack cases riddled with tricks and turns as Sherlock uses his powers of deduction to save the day.
Doctor Who
Dr Who is a television drama that has been running for over 50 years and grasping children and parents as they watch the doctor save the day as he travels through time and space as you see new alien creatures and robots. The doctor has changed faces from the first doctor being played by William Hartnell and most recently Peter Capaldi. This sci-fi drama makes you imagine what it would be like to travel to places out of this world or meet historical figures like Winston Churchill. He travels with companions such as Amy Pond or K9 a robotic dog, in a TARDIS which is an old police call box and with the excellent use of effects you see him travel through the universe.
Only Fools and Horses
Only fools and horses is a great television drama and one of the best British comedies of all time. It follows the week to week life of Derrick Trotter (Del Boy) and his young brother Rodney. As they go about their way wheeling and dealing to make money and follow their lifelong ambition on becoming millionaires. But because of their hilarious mistakes and errors it usually means their virtually empty pocket and head to their local for a drink with their friends such as Trigger (played by the brilliant Rodger Lloyd Pack), Boyce and Denzel. This is a brilliant drama and you can’t help but laughing and loving these characters as you feel like you can’t stop watching them as the brilliantly written script by John Sullivan forces you to laugh and cry.